Hey, a quick intro to me, I am Dan and this is my psychology / personal experience blog page
I am the founder of SAPUK, an event organizer for The Semicolon Project, a Psychology student, a mum :), to a child, dog and kitten – I am undergoing the diagnosis of being a Neuro-divergent, specifically towards ADHD, with mild dyslexic and depression, i have a focus and attention disability, which means i struggle to retain focus in a specific area for too long with some other wild traits. But there are many pro’s to being divergent <3
I am taking the route of being a Suicidologist, i also have membership amongst the American Association of Suicide, I am also a part of Lancashire Suicide Prevention group, i am level 2 trained in counselling skills, soon undergoing my level 3, i have my level 6 in psychology seeing most aspects of psychology being taught within my levels, currently progressing with my level 7, i have my understanding in self harm, Suicide first Aid, Mental Health First Aid, mental health in adolescence, mental health in the workplace and schools, i also hold a DBS, have my safeguarding level 2, with children and vulnerable adults, and much suicide prevention understanding, and my education will continue;
This #blog will always link to #Psychology so it will in retrospect be a #psychologyblog
You should always take pictures, videos and everything else, i love pictures but i also love writing, i feel as though writing is something i have always kind of fallen into keeping some form of journal since being a child, i love the passion and feeling that can be brought into writing;
I will try and picture it up for ease on the eyes, but its a blog… But Hey, here is side me
Click the menu (above) for links to specific categories but please be warned as some blogs contain trigger warnings – mainly the SAPUK blogs!
Picture’s are links to specific blogs too ✌️
I am a
I saw you today
I saw you today, But today I saw you in a different way, It has been a while since I saw you on a weekend day, It has been a while since I saw you on any day, But I saw you today, I guess I am curious as to how you felt too, Confusion…
Solo stance
I am not sure whether you have ever known a solo stance What it feels like day in and day out to be within your own presence Just a question? Do you like yourself when you sit here? Or are you wishing that someone or anyone would just appear? Solitude, isolation or loneliness, which one…
WHO are you?
WHO are you? PTSD – Post traumatic stress disorder. This feels like another embodiment has taken over the mothership. Literally it is one the worst temporary brain conditions a brain can maintain. Those who survive this under severe events – hats off to you, well done for holding the fort. If you are currently experiencing…
& I will write about anything and everything – much love
Be kind, show off your imperfections, and tell your story.
#bekind #behippie