Navigating suicidal thoughts

Navigating suicidal thoughts  – Dan Shaw 😊

Hey I haven’t actually touched base on this topic specifically and it has got to be one of the most important ones.


  • Also reach out and talk with someone as this will help with navigation;

I think when enduring this kind of illness within the mind, it is helpful to understand the source of these thoughts – where have they come from?

What has caused these thoughts to surface? – generally these thoughts surface from a traumatic event, low self-esteem, lack of support and any other negative experience, it could also be a build up of several negative experiences.

Day one with these invasive thoughts is always the hardest, especially if they have come from nowhere – these thoughts are either a voice in your head acting as another entity telling you that you are not good enough, telling you how to act etc, other ways may come as a hollow feeling in the pit of your stomach, this is an ongoing feeling – others may be actioning self-harm which may overtime increase. There are ideations where you do not necessarily become with suicidal thoughts but more ideations, wishing you weren’t here, wondering what life would be like without you etc –

There are many ways in which suicidal tendencies can surface in one’s mind – now its how we navigate this that’s important. Serving your thoughts as they wish will strengthen the familiarity with these thoughts, acknowledging their presence but not becoming them acknowledges familiarity but does not become with them, by doing this you kind of wrap the thoughts in a blanket, its okay to feel this way.

I think many of times also, we are taught that we are to beat these thoughts, that we are within a battle with them , that its us vs these thoughts / feelings, when in actual case this is not actually the case(!) – we are to work with them and if so live beside them – you cant expect to go through any trauma and not have a negative effect.

Childhood trauma with suicidals thoughts – this one is more tricky as its kind of embedded within you, as a child we generate our personalities at around the age of 7, if we are already with suicidal ideations / thoughts – it will be more likely that these are to be experienced at a later point (from experience)

From long term depression – if you re within sadness everday, say lonely and watching others not within this it is also a tough one because as each day goes on you become more within ‘confirmation’ that taking your own life is the best for everyone when this is not the case, if you need to read this par GET yourself OUT OF ISOLATION AND SOLITUDE!!

FIND SUPPORT! Please safeguard yourself by telling someone how you feel, if you have no one around then we have SAPUK and we have me also my emails are open, just please expect delays with me personally – SAPUK is instant and a branch from me – If you have already reached out to support and are still struggling, please either reach out to new support or speak with us again at SAPUK. Please understand that not everyone has capacity to support someone with suicidal thoughts, but there are a lot of people you can reach out for support with, I am shouting throughout this end part but I am extremely concerned about the level of people still within suicidal behaviour and I need you to know that it is going to be okay <3

Grounding yourself , utilise the weekend if you must – rest in the quiet and darkness for a maximum 24 hours – here you can watch films, play games, anything to pass time, mindfulness telling yourself you are within recharge mode, then the generic make sure you are clean, make sure your surroundings are clean, make sure you are drinking and eating – once these are stabilised begin processing the trauma, why are you within these grounds – what has happened – how can it be resolved ?

Please don’t hurt yourself either – you don’t need to do this, you are hurting enough as it is – if you are experiencing voices then please see my blog about this –
I also relate many if not most of my blogs around this topic, also my podcasts;

If you are recovering from a loss you may need more time sometimes this may take years and depression may grab a hold but know that you will come through the other end, just reach out and remain within peace with yourself –

You are enough just as you are, you don’t have to change anything, these are your scars – you are okay

I hope I haven’t missed anything All my love – Dan

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